
4 months ago

Be generous with praise

Observe your child carefully and comment on the things that are done well. When you see an area that needs improvement, find a positive way to talk about it with your child.

Encourage "personal best"

Help your child by encouraging him or her to do the best in school and at home. Remember, "personal best" does not mean "perfect", and learning is not the same as high grades. Children, like adults, need the freedom to make mistakes and to learn from them.

Make learning a priority

Your attitude toward school attendance, education and involvement in the school makes a strong and lasting impression on your child. Show your child, by example, that learning is a priority.

Show interest in school work

  • Talk about school each day.
  • Ask to see classwork.
  • Have your child read aloud to you.
  • Read to and with your child from a variety of material in your first language.
  • Encourage your child to discuss new ideas and opinions.
  • Show appreciation for good efforts.

Offer suggestions for success

Help your child use the following strategies to improve performance in school:

  • Read the assignment when it is given.
  • Keep a list of new vocabulary.
  • Proofread assignments to catch errors before writing a final draft.
  • Review notes before a test.

Schedule study time

Set up an area for homework away from noise and distractions. Post a family calendar that schedules school project deadlines, after-school activities, mid-term dates, exam periods and report card dates.

Parent Involvement

4 months ago

Policy Development 

An advisory committee of parents, community members, teachers, and principals will meet to discuss the design and implementation of the Parent Involvement Policy.

Committee members will consist of volunteers recruited through various avenues of publicity. Committee selections will produce a diverse parent population that will include all student groups served in the district. Meetings will be planned at convenient times and locations.
Annual Meeting for Title I Parents 
Timpson ISD campuses will hold several meetings for parents during each school year. Parents will be informed of new Title I guidelines. The Parent Involvement Policy and the Parent/Teacher/Student Compact will be distributed.

The meeting times and locations will be provided to parents through written notices sent home by students and through publication in the local newspaper. 
School-Parent Compacts 
In accordance with Title I regulations, each school must develop a parent-student compact with the parents of students participating in the program. This compact will enable the school and parents to share responsibility for student performance and success.

The compact will explain how students, parents, and teachers will share responsibility for promoting student achievement. School-Parent Compacts will be published in the student handbooks. Student responsibilities will vary by campus.
Types of Parent Involvement 
Parents are encouraged to become involved in their child’s school campus through:

  • Encouraging their child to put a high priority on education and by working with their child on a daily basis to make the most of the educational opportunities the school provides.
  • Becoming familiar with all of their child’s school activities and with the academic programs, including special programs, offered by the district.
  • Attending scheduled conferences and requesting additional conferences as needed.
  • Becoming a school volunteer.
  • Participating in a campus parent organization.
  • Offering to serve as a parent representative on the district-level or campus-level planning committees.
  • Offering to serve on the School Health Advisory Council.
  • Attending Board meetings to learn more about district operations.

Each campus will develop and maintain parental involvement activities best suited to meet the needs of students on that campus.
Matching Programs to the Needs of Community 
The community will be consulted in the design, development, and implementation of the Title I program. Parent and student needs will be assessed through surveys as well as other methods in order to create a successful school environment.

Staff development and parent workshops will be tailored to meet the needs of students in the district. Parents will be informed of involvement activities through school and district offices.
Parents will be welcomed through various avenues of communication throughout the school year. Newsletters, conferences, personal contacts, phone calls, and written notices will be utilized to establish and maintain an open line of communication.

Staff members will be trained in effective ways to work with parents and community members