Welcome to Timpson High School!

Timpson High School serves 9th-12th grade students and is part of the Timpson Independent School District.

Class of 2025 - Balfour Graduation Items

Class of 2025 Students and Parents,

It’s time to order your Balfour Graduation Items.

Click on the video link below to start your amazing graduation journey.


After watching the video, click on the link below to place your order. This link has multiple options for packages with tees, joggers, keyrings, etc.


**If you want to order ONLY the CAP & GOWN, follow this link:


Please order on or before October 1st.

**All items will be shipped directly to your home address.  **

Please feel free to contact our local Balfour Office at 903-757-6595 or contactus@graduatesales.net​ with any questions.

Progress Report Update

THS Parents/Guardians:

3-week and 6-week progress reports will no longer be mailed out.

Progress reports will be given to students during school to take home.

9-week report cards will still be mailed home as usual. Progress reports will be sent home this week. Thank you!

Timpson High School Tardy Policy 2024-2025

Attendance is a vital key to any class, as is being on time. When you arrive late it disrupts the flow of the educational process and keeps others from learning.

To better prepare our THS students for their future we will be focusing on making sure our students are in their assigned classes at the designated time. A student is considered tardy if they are not in their assigned classroom when the tardy bell rings.

With this said, tardies are considered a disciplinary issue and will be handled as follows:

1st & 2nd Tardy - Teacher Warning

3rd & 4th Tardy - Lunch Detention Assigned

5th Tardy - Student Assigned ISS


Timpson High School Cell Phone Policy

Cell phones will not be permitted in the classroom or in the halls during the 2024-2025 school year. Students will be able to use cell phones before school begins and during their designated lunch period. This policy is to ensure the best learning environment for all students.

1st offense – Student can pick up the phone from the office at the end of the day.

2nd offense – Parent must pick up the phone from the front office at the end of the day and pay $15.

3rd and 4th offense – Parent must pick up the phone from the front office at the end of the day, pay $15, AND the student will spend 3 days in ISS.

5th offense – Student loses the right to their phone during school for the remainder of the school year.

If a student refuses to turn over their cell phone when asked by a staff member, it is an automatic 3 days of ISS on the 1st refusal. A 2nd refusal will result in a DAEP placement.

Our commitment at TISD is to provide the best possible educational experience for our students and to prepare them for life after high school. In order to do this, our staff must be able to teach our students without the distraction of their cell phones. If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to reach out to the High School Principal, Mr. Jason Crow, or the Middle School Principal, Mr. Chris Nickleberry Sr.